Peyton Royce #11

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"Ready?" I smiled, nodding at Peyton convincingly. "Any nerves at all?"

"Honestly, I'm terrified." She giggled, taking my hand in hers. "I can't do it without you by my side, you promise you'll stay with me."

"I promise." I pushed the door open, instantly overwhelmed by the sight before me. "Welcome to the Performance Centre."

"Wow." Peyton chuckled watching me look around at all the people and equipment. "This is incredible."

"Tell me about it, and play your cards right in that interview and this will be your workplace." I nodded, taking one final deep breath."

"Y/N." We both looked across at Matt walked towards us, shaking my hand. "It's lovely to finally meet you."

"And you sir." He shook his head at me with the biggest grin.

"Peyton, didn't you tell the man he should call me Matt, honestly, women." I chuckled, looking at Peyton's embarrassed expression.

"You get used to it." Instantly Matt felt like my best friend, relaxing all the unsettled nerves I had.

"Can you two just go and get this interview sorted instead of picking on me." Matt nodded, guiding me through to one of his offices. "Good luck!" I heard Peyton shout just as the door shut.

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