Finn Balor #26

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"Can I get you anything else sweetie? Cup of tea, another cushion for your ankle?" Finn shuffled slightly on the sofa, shaking his head. 

"I think I'm alright for now, I've got everything a man could need." I ran my hands through his hair, sitting in the armchair beside the sofa. "Just need this ankle to fix itself."

"It will," I said, kissing the top of his head. 

I grabbed my book off the coffee table, resting my feet on the end of it. Finn's eyes were droopy as he tried to focus on the programme currently on the television.

"Honey, why don't you get some sleep?" I could see he was trying to fight against it, but the urge was just too strong.

"All I want right now is a cuddle, then maybe I'll think about sleep." With pain etched on his face he shifted back slightly on the sofa to make room for me. 

"Don't hurt yourself," I instructed, laying down with half of my body on the sofa, the other half hanging off. 

His arm wrapped protectively around me, "are you comfortable?" I hummed, even though I wasn't, I didn't want to make the situation any worse for Finn. 

"Get some sleep," I smiled, pecking his cheek.

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