Aleister Black #10

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"Oh look, they have cliff jumping over there." I looked across as a man in a swimsuit took off from the rock face down into the ocean.

"I feel like I know where this is going." I smiled up at him, noticing his disappointing expression.

"Come on love, it'll be fun. You might never get the chance to do it again."
He hummed, letting go of my hand.

"I'm not so sure, it doesn't look safe." I nudged his hip, pointing back across at them.

"They're in life jackets and helmets, of course it's safe." He furrowed his eyebrows in uncertainty, looking back down at my hopeful eyes.

"You really want to do this don't you?" I sweetly nodded in the hope he would succumb to my smile.

"I'll do it once, and once only." I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his lips softly.

"Remember what you used to tell me, I'm here for a good time not a long time, well now is your chance to prove it." He nodded, taking my hand back in this.

"Let's go, before I change my mind." I giggled, following behind him as he led me up the steep slope to the top of the rock.

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