Shinsuke Nakamura #20 & #35

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"You know, I don't know what's more beautiful." Shinsuke chuckled, looking back at me, his new title placed beside him.

"It's a toughie," he joked, playing along. He ran his hands through his sweat ridden hair, revealing the smile on his face.

"It's just so shiny, and big, and you're so precious...well yeah, precious." He rose to his feet, shaking his head at me.

"You're such a charmer, you always know the right things to say." He pecked my lips lightly, before reverting his glaze back to his belt.

"I've learnt from the best." This time I ran my hand through his hair, quickly regretting at it getting a feel of the dampness. "Ew."

"Again, charming!" I chuckled, roughing his hair up a little causing a few strands to stick out. "Can't you say one nice thing about me?"

"You're an alright surfer." I teased, watching his expression drop. "What's wrong with that?"

"I am alright. I'm not good or great, I'm just alright." My laugh continued to ring out as my hand pressed to the side of his face.

"You may be an alright surfer, but you are great person in all the right places where it matters."

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