Charlotte Flair #20

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I wrapped my arm around Charlotte's waist, leaning on the balcony of our house. "It's beautiful tonight."

"You do look smoking hot," I whispered, leaning my head on hers. The ends of her blonde hair tickled my neck slightly.

"I wasn't on about me silly, I was talking about the sunset." Her little giggle brightened me a little, as I tightened the my arm around her.

"Well personally I don't know what's more beautiful you or the sunset." Charlotte leaned away, looking at me like I'd just told her my deepest secret.

"You can't be serious? I've barely even got any makeup on, this sunset is so much better!" I shook my head, looking between the two.

"You look even more beautiful without makeup, you're a natural beauty, just like the natural beauty of the sun setting." Finally content, she packed my cheek a couple of times, ruffling my hair.

"You always know what to say to make a girl feel special don't you?" I nodded humbly. "You're amazing."

"Tell me about it." She pushed me slightly, rocking me a little to the left. "It's true, I guess I am just one amazing human being."

"Carry on and I can guarantee you'll move to second behind that sunset."

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