Christian #35

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"Sweetheart." I looked up, Christian's smile gazing over at me. "Do you have a map?"

"What are you on about?" I couldn't help but chuckle, a little bit confused. "Why would you need a map?"

"You don't get it, do you?" I shook my head feeling a little stupid as he laughed to himself across from me.

"I was asking if you have a map because I'm so lost in your eyes. I can't believe you've never heard that before."  I shrugged my shoulders, still cringing inside as he laughed.

"Such a charmer aren't you." He stood up, walking over to where I sat. "Could you not come up with an original chat up line?"

"Maybe." He quickly went quiet, looking to the floor allowing me to laugh at him. "Chat up lines aren't easy to come up with."

"I know that now." He pulled me up from my chair, pulling me into him. "You smell nice." I grinned.

"You look nice." He whispered, running his thumb along my cheek. I reached up to quickly kiss his lips.

"You just know all the right things to say," I teased, quickly reaching back up to give him yet another sweet kiss.

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