Peyton Royce #22

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"Hi." I took one final deep breath, taking Peyton's hands as she walked up to me. "What's going on?"

"I just wanted to have a talk." She nodded, looking at me with a perplexed expression.

"Nothing serious I hope." I shook my head, squeezing her hands reassuringly.

"No, I just wanted to bring you here and tell you how much I love you and remind you how incredible you are and how much you mean to me." A little blush grew on her cheeks making me giggle.

"You know I love you too," she whispered, still looking a little overwhelmed as our bodies stood in the sand of the beach.

"I know, but there's something else I want to say." I slowly leaned myself down onto one knee, feeling one of her hands slide out of mine to cover her mouth. "Will you marry me?" I opened up the velvet box out of my pocket revealing the diamond ring.

"Oh my gosh, of course I will." I quickly slid the ring onto her finger, pulling myself up. "Come here you!" She squealed, leaping into my arms.

"Careful," I teased, locking her in my arms, allowing her to pepper numerous kisses along my cheek and jaw.

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