Seth Rollins #25

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"I'm home!" I shouted, walking through the dark rooms, noticing the kitchen light was on.

"In here!" Seth shouted. I followed his voice to see him stood over the cooker, three pots bubbling away.

"What's all this?" I asked, slipping my coat off, hanging it on the back of a chair.

"I thought I could cook us both dinner. How does pasta carbonara sound?"

"Sounds perfect." I sat down where a glass of wine was already waiting on the table.

"You've timed it perfectly, it's just cooked." I chuckled, watching as he turned everything off, serving it up to look as good as he could make it. "I hope you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will." I waited for it to cool for a few moments before tucking in for my first mouthful.

"Like it?" He asked straight away, his voice hopeful.

"Yeah. I could get used to this." He smiled across from me at the table. "This is happiness."

"Careful, I don't think my culinary skills extend much further."

"I'm sure if I bought you a book or two you'd quickly learn." He quickly shook his head, tucking his hair behind his ears.

"I have much better things to do than cook all day."

"Not if it makes me happy," I sang making him chuckle.

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