Seth Rollins #8

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"Can you believe it? Our own little one, we've waited so long for this, I cannot believe it's finally happened." Seth smiled, leaning his head onto mine.

"I've always told you that we'd do it, but now we finally have, it feels like all my dreams have come true." Both our eyes were fixated, amazed.

"It's so much more beautiful then I could have ever imagined, you see other ones on the telly, but nothing compares to real life." It was more gorgeous than I could have ever imagined, fully nourished, bright, alive.

"I just hope we can live up to expectations and give it the life we deserve." I pulled away from Seth, disappointed he'd even suggest the notion.

"Seth, you and I are going to be the best parents, this one is going to have the best life ever. I know it, we were born for this." He grinned, removing any doubts from his mind.

"All we have to do now is touch it, which is easier said than done." I nodded in agreement, it was definitely intimidating.

"How about we do it together?" I suggested moving my hand next to his. He nodded happily. "One, two, three!"

"Oh my gosh I touched a cactus!"

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