Seth Rollins #47

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As soon as I heard the bar drop behind me I could hear Seth's feet run towards me. "What did you do? Are you alright?"

"I just dropped the weight, I'm fine, stop worrying." Seth picked up the bar and placed it with the other weights.

"That's far too heavy for you," he scolded, "don't push yourself too much, we don't want no damage." I sighed, hanging my head in shame. "What's wrong?"

"I just want to be stronger, I'm so weak compared to you." Seth took my hand in his, walking me to where some benches were nearby.

"Now, you listen to me. I'm stronger than you physically, but mentally you're so much stronger than me. Just because your arms aren't as big as mine, your mind definitely is."

"That's not true, you just want me to feel better," I whispered, burying my head in my hands.

"Don't be silly, I mean it. The things you've gone through in your life are far greater than anything I've experienced." I looked up slowly, pecking his cheek.

"Thank you," I whispered once more.

"Shall we go and find a weight more suitable than you?" He asked, pulling me up. I nodded, with a weak smile, following behind him.

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