Shane Thorne #15

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"Look what's just come through the door." Shane walked in handing me a white leaflet.

"What's it for?" I asked, noticing a picture of a giant adventure play area on the front.

"It's supposed to be one of those play zone things, it's all zip wires and stuff in the sky." I quickly fanned through all the pages, scanning them for information.

"Are you interested?" I asked.

He shook his head in response, looking down at the ground. "Are we too old to do that? It's advertising for children."

"Nonsense," I smiled, reading a little more into it, "who says only children get a kick out of climbing in trees."

Shane chuckled, looking back across at me with a hopeful smile. "So what do you think?"

"It's worth a try." He nodded, walking to sit next to me on the sofa, "not to mention if we do this we'll almost be as fit as those kids anyway."

"Exactly! We're not old, far from it, age is no restriction." Shane's head fell on my shoulder, looking down at the leaflet.

"You're excited aren't you?" I whispered, noticing his leg bouncing up and down.

"I feel like a big kid all over again," he replied with the biggest of grins.

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