Buddy Murphy #50

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"I'm home!" His Aussie voice shouted, the door slamming behind him.

"How was the gym?" I asked, turning around to look at him as he walked into the room.

He wore a great shirt, accompanied with black joggers, sweat patches all around his collar from his workout.

"It wasn't too bad," he smiled, sitting down beside me, "got a nice leg workout in." He paused, leaning his head on my shoulder. "My glutes could really do with a massage."

"Could they?" I chuckled, pressing a kiss to the sweat ridden top of his head. "That shirt looks awfully tight you're wearing too."

"I thought you might like it." His hands fell to grip my hips, turning me so I laid down on the sofa. His body laid over me, little pieces of hair that had come out of his ponytail tickling my face.

"You're so sticky," I cried out, his bare arms laying over my own. "Buddy!"

"I can make it better." His top whipped off, wiping gently over his arms before tossing it to the floor. "Better?"

I could only manage a hum in response, sliding out from underneath his body, lacing my hand in his.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"My sweaty baby needs a massage."

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