Adam Cole #7

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"Psst." I looked left as a guy walked over to my table as my date went to the toilet. "Tell me to go away, but from where I'm sat, you don't look very comfortable."

"That's because I'm not." He chuckled, smiling in sympathy. "He's horrible, he's been talking the whole night about himself."

"Let me help you, go along with what I do."

Seconds later and my date reappeared, perplexed by the guy standing next to our table. "Excuse me, we're on a date."

"You're right, you're on a date with my girlfriend." His eyes went wide, looking between us both, as I tried hard not to look as surprised as he did.

"She didn't tell me she had a boyfriend," he retorted.

"She doesn't tell people a lot of things, but here's what you're going to do. Grab your coat, pay the bill and leave." His voice was threatening, intimidating even to me.

"A-alright." He quickly grabbed his things, leaving some money on the table.

"So I'm your girlfriend now?" I teased, looking at the man once my date had gone.

"Why don't we see what happens, give me your inner-"


"Y/N, I'm Adam," he smiled, handing you his phone.

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