Adam Cole #37

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"You look fit." I paused the treadmill, looking back at Adam in the reflection of the mirror. "What? I'm just saying."

"I'm trying to workout here." He chuckled to himself, looking me up and down.

"I just thought I'd let you know how incredible you look in those leggings." He walked up, standing behind me on the treadmill, snaking his arms around my waist.

"You're not helping me here, I'm trying to run." His lips peppered along my jawline, squeezing me into his body. "Stop distracting me," I giggled, enjoying the feeling of his lips against mine.

"Don't pretend that you're not loving this," he whispered, carrying on. "If you like it maybe we could create our own workout upstairs."

"Sounds promising." I span around in his arms to lock my lips into his, playing with the ends of his long hair. "I like where this is going."

"Then maybe you should join me upstairs for the workout of your life."
I quickly grabbed my phone, running just behind Adam, holding onto his hand.

"I've not even done anything yet and I'm already working up a sweat," I joked, trying to keep up with him. 

"If you think this is making you sweat, you haven't seen nothing yet."

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