Pete Dunne #22

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The tattooed man was pushed away, my body aching. I watched him, a blur in my vision, feeling a reassuring hand place on my shoulder. 

"Are you alright?" I turned left, working out the figures that belonged to Pete, kneeling by my side. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"Don't be, Baron's like a bad smell, he lingers around, I don't know why though." 

"I reckon he fancies you." I giggled, shaking my head at such a thought. "He does," he whispered.

"No one would fancy me." I mumbled. Pete's eyebrow raised, looking at me in confusion. 

"I fancy you." My jaw hit the ground, staring at him in surprise. He chuckled, pushing my jaw up to close my lips. "That's why I'm here, because I couldn't see you get hurt."

"Pete, that's lovely." I struggled to find the words to say how I felt, instead pressing my hand to his cheek with a smile. 

"Will you let me take you out on a date tonight? Show you how I feel." I nodded, speechless. "Great, how about I take you to the medics, get you checked over, then we'll reconvene about eight o'clock and I'll take you to a nice spot down the road?"

"Sounds perfect."

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