Shane Thorne #3

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"Morning buttercup, how did you sleep?" I joined Shane at the breakfast table, taking a mug of tea from him.

"So I had this dream last night where the two of us had aliens for babies." Shane's eyes widened, a little surprised.

"I feel like I want to ask more, but I feel like it's also the wrong thing to do." I giggled back, sipping at the tea, which was too hot.

"It wasn't that weird, they still pooped like babies, made noises like babies, crawled like babies, they were just green." He nodded, scratching the top of his head in confusion.

"Maybe I should break up with you now before my offspring start growing a third ear."

"Don't be stupid, it was only a dream." He sighed, there was still a little doubt in him. "Anyway you were the one who asked me how I slept."

"I know, but I was expecting you to just say you slept well, not to frighten me for what my future holds." I reached across the table, punching his arm lightly.

"That'll teach you for being such a concerned boyfriend then won't I?" I smugly responded, turning my attentions to my mug of tea.

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