Dolph Ziggler #41

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"What do you think I should wear tonight?" I looked up, my eyes darting between the bright pink, and more subtle red jackets Dolph held up.

"I like the red one." His eyes rolled, a small sigh escaping. "Do you not?"

"I was hoping you'd say pink, it makes me stand out a bit more." He chuckled.

"I don't think you need to wear a pink jacket to stand out." His laughter continued as he dropped the red jacket, walking over to me.

"You're right, I'm pretty amazing regardless of what I wear." My eyes widened in shock as his voice came up to my ear, whispering gently.

"I don't think your head can get any bigger, you're so arrogant."

"Yeah, but confidence is a good thing, I know you've always liked a confident man." His lips pressed to my cheek.

"W-well, I g-guess so." My voice faltered, as his lips carried on moving down to my jaw.

"Admit it, you love it when everyone's got their eyes on me."

All I could do was giggle, nodding my head as his hand held my shoulder.

"I reckon we've got ten minutes before we're needed for tonight," he whispered, walking over to lock the door.

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