Karl Anderson #29

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"What are you cooking tonight?" Karl asked, walking into the kitchen as I grabbed myself a drink.

"I was thinking maybe we could get a takeaway?" I suggested. His eyes quickly lit up, his palms pressing together.

"Great. That sounds even better!" I furrowed my eyebrows, glaring across at him. "Not that your food is bad, but takeaway is just so much better."

"So much better is it?" I questioned, walking to stand right in front of him.

"Well yeah." I shook my head, swiping my hand across his chest in a light slap. "Ouch."

"You deserved that." He gasped, clutching his chest in pain. "You're so mean."

"It's not mean, it's honest, isn't that what a relationship is supposed to be about?" I nodded, lacing my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, but not so harshly. Takeaway is just so much better," I quoted, extending the 'so.'

"Alright, maybe I was a little mean, takeaway is just better." I smiled in appreciation, pecking his lips.

"Was that so hard?" He shook his head, looking down at me. "I know you love me really."

"That I do," he whispered, squeezing his arms tightly around my waist. "I love you so very much."

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