Batista #46

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I walked into the living room, confused as my eyes fell on Dave laid across the floor. "You okay down there?" I asked, standing just above his head.

"Apparently this is supposed to be relaxing, however looking up at you I'm beginning to not feel so calm." I smiled down at him, but then moved aside, not wanting to break his zone.

"I remember when Hunter set us up he told me you were normal, but the more time I spend with you the more I question how true that statement is." 

"Excuse me!" He exclaimed. "You're lucky to have me."

"How did you come to that judgement?" He sat up, a little too fast as the blood rushed to his head.

"For starters I'm not bad looking, I've got a few muscles, I can make you laugh from time to time, and I've got some junk in my trunk." He stood up, standing in front of me, flexing his biceps.

"You forget to mention just humble you are." He shrugged, easily lifting me up off the ground. "Although I think you underestimated just how strong those muscles are."

"Or just how light you are?" He retorted, pecking my lips.

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