Dolph Ziggler #18

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"What do you think?" I looked up as Dolph walked in to the room.

"You look nice," I smiled, admiring his shirt and tie combo.

"You haven't even looked at me properly yet." I sighed and watched him as he gave me a twirl, straightening up his tie. "I look good don't I?"

"I've already told you that you look good." I didn't know what he was getting at as I looked back down at my phone.

"How about now?" I watched him kneel towards me, flexing his biceps in the tight material that clung to them.

"Very nice," I replied, a little bit agitated.

"Now?" I watched him again as he flipped his head forward and then tossed his newly dyed locks back.

"Stop showing off now, you've still got to get your shoes on before the car comes to pick you up." He nodded, straightening himself out.

"Alright Mum," he muttered under his breath, walking out into the lobby to pick up his suede shoes. "Are you sure you don't want to come?" He shouted through.

"To a talk on the origins of World War One? I think I'll pass this one," I teased, jumping at the sound of the car horn.

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