Taynara Conti #50

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"Hi," I smiled, watching Taynara walk through the door. "Good day?"

Her smirk was wide as she instantly walked towards me, throwing her arms in the air. I waited for a response, but it didn't come. 

She rested her hands on my shoulders, her eyes travelling down my body, and then back up. "Let's not talk about my day." She planted a few kisses to my cheek, before trailing her hands down to the hem of my shirt.

"Someone's keen," I giggled, getting a laugh out of Taynara. 

"Shh!" She chuckled, pressing her index fingers to my lips. "Now, that shirt looks awfully tight, let's do something about that shall we?" In just a matter of seconds my top had been lifted over my head, and tossed aside to the floor. "Don't say a word," she reminded me, lacing our hands together.

I did as I was told, following behind her as she guided me up the stairs, a mischievous grin on her face.

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