Jeff Hardy #31

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"Have you seen my phone?" Jeff looked up at me as I joined him in the front room. "I've looked everywhere."

"No, I've not seen it." I nodded, accepting his answer, until at a glance i noticed his dimples appear in a smirk.

"You sure you don't know where it is?" He nodded, keeping quiet this time around. "Do you want to tell your face that?"

"I don't know where it is?" Behind his back he shuffled his hands before bringing them back round onto his lap.

"What aren't you telling me? Where's my phone?" I tiptoed over, straddling him so I had his limbs pinned. "Last chance."

"I have no idea." I nodded, tickling his hips until I was able to reach my hand behind his back, catching the metal of my phone.

"You're such a liar!" I squealed, pulling it out, jumping off of him.

"Hey! You didn't need to get off, I was enjoying that." I smirked across at him, running a hand through my hair.

"Maybe if you'd have been honest with me I would still be there." He hugged, leaning back on the sofa, rolling his eyes. "I hope you've learnt your lesson,"
I smiled, skipping out of the room.

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