Sasha Banks & Bayley #7

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"Sasha, can we get a word?" The journalist shouted, holding his microphone out as Sasha walked out of the hotel with Bayley. "Please."

Sasha stopped, looking at the man, carefully walking over. "Hi," she smiled, willing to give the reporter a chance to be nice. "Thanks for waiting out to see some of us."

"No worries, just a couple of questions. How did you find the crowd here tonight in Chicago?"

"I love it, Chicago is amazing," she giggled, briefly reminiscing about the events from last night. 

"And what can we expect from Sasha Banks in the build up to Mania?"

Whilst Sasha answered the questions, Bayley left the hotel after signing them both out of the rooms. Carrying both suitcases, she walked through the door. 

"Thanks Sasha, I'll let you and your friend enjoy the rest of your day." Sasha turned around to see who he was referring to, smiling as Sasha approached. 

"She's not my friend, she's my girlfriend," she proudly clarified, walking away with a proud smile on her face.

"So I'm your girlfriend now for all the world to know?" Bayley teased. Sasha nodded in reply, pressing a kiss to Bayley's lips without a care in the world who else was watching.

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