Finn Balor #37

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"Love, have you got a second?" I sighed, turning around, dropping my pen.

"What now?" He chuckled, holding his hands up innocently. "You literally wanted a second five minutes ago.

"I know, but this time it is important." I sat, a blank expression on my face, waiting for him to speak. "I've got an itch on my back and I can't reach it."

"Seriously!" He nodded, struggling to hold back his laughter. "That's not important."

"Please," he begged, "it is really annoying me." His arms flailed trying to reach the small of his back, but every attempt just missed.

"Fine, turn around." I wheeled my chair forwards, reaching out to scratch bottom of his back. "Better?"

"Much better." He turned around, leaning forwards to peck my lips. "Thank you."

"Now stop distracting me I need to work." I span back around, wheeling back over to my desk, picking up my pen.

"Oh and babe." I groaned, tilting my head slightly to look at him. "I love you," he proudly smiled.

"As much as I love you too, can you go play with your Lego or something now?" He nodded, standing up, but not before kissing the top of my head lightly.

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