Bobby Roode #5

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"I swear you should be champion." I smiled across at Bobby whose own championship draped over his shoulder.

"That's nice of you babe, but that's not a decision we can make." He walked over, moving the belt from him to me.

"You look so good with it though, plus none of the other girls are half as good as you." I gave him a warning look to watch himself.

"Don't be rude, I have to work with those girls." He chuckled, sitting by my side.

"I know, but it doesn't mean it's not true." I couldn't help but giggle at his innocence. "None of them are anywhere near as amazing as you."

"One day I'll get there," I encouraged, placing the belt on my lap.

"I have every faith that you'll get there." I couldn't have loved him more as the corners of his mouth turned into a smile.

"If I can be half as good as you in that ring, I'm sure Team Roode will dominate one day." He nodded gleefully, kissing the top of my head.

"You're already twice as good as I am," he whispered, muffled slightly as his lips pressed to my head.

"You're adorable," I whispered in response.

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