Drew McIntyre #26

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I tightened the blanket around me, walking into the living room where Drew sat. "Babe!" I groaned in between sniffs.

"Don't come near me if you're ill, I've got work tomorrow." I sighed and sat next to him on the sofa, grabbing a tissue from the box that stuck in my right hand.

"But all I want is a cuddle. Aren't you supposed to look after me when I'm ill?" He chuckled, looking at me with sympathy in his eyes.

"I made you soup, bought you some more tissues, what more do you want?" I pouted, opening my arms out for him. "Why don't you get one of the teddies upstairs to cuddle?"

"They're not the same as getting to cuddle you." I leaned my head back trying to stop the growing ache. "Please."

"Fine, but you lay something in between us, the last thing I need is a cold to fly with tomorrow." I nodded, grabbing the other blanket, laying it over his body.

"Thank you," I whispered, laying on top of his body and the blanket.

His hands found their way to the ends of my hair, twirling the loose strands. "I promise you'll feel better in no time."

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