The Undertaker #46

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"Oh baby." As soon as I walked into the room my heart broke. His face and body were bloodied, his limbs were limp, clothes covered with rips.

"I'm fine." He tried to say, but his voice was too groggy for anyone to believe him.

"Come here. Let's clean you up." I grabbed the first aid kit that we always travelled with, unzipping it to pull out a load of plasters.

"I don't think in twenty years if ever hurt this much." I offered him a sympathetic smile, not able to possibly understand how he felt.

"I'll have you feeling better in no time."

"I'm lucky to have you," he whispered, watching me closely as I got a few wet wipes out to clean up some cuts.

"You're lucky to have me, but I'm lucky to have a fighter like you." He smiled, flinching slightly at the cut just above his lip.

"I think that was enough wrestling for one night." I nodded in agreement.

"My stomach was in knots watching you, you're immortal I swear." His chuckle rang out slightly, still a little sore. "Don't laugh, I'm being serious."

"I know, I promise I'll leave it again until next year."

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