Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins #38

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As Dean's head lay in his lap, Seth's hand couldn't help but wander and run through his hair that lay across his bare chest.

"Excuse me," Dean muttered. Seth quickly let go, watching his partner sit up from his lap, turning sinisterly to him. "Did I say you could do that?"

"No," Seth gulped, "I just thought it would be nice for you, sorry." Dean couldn't help but grin at Seth's blush of embarrassment.

"You don't need to apologise, it felt so good, I can't believe you've not done that sooner." Seth relaxed feeling Dean lay back in his lap.

"That's a relief," he giggled, staring back down at the ruggedly handsome man in his lap.

"Run your hands back through my hair," Dean begged impatiently. Seth's hand quickly ran through the strands, separating them.

"Feel good?" He whispered in response, knowing he had Dean in the palm of his hand right now.

"It's so relaxing." Dean's eyes looked up at the ceiling, settling into the feeling of Seth's hands detangling his locks. "I think we've found your purpose in life," he teased.

"No matter what babe, wrestling will always be my purpose in life," he confidently protested in reply.

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