Jeff Atkins [1]

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I swear I love Jeff!!

Your POV

It was my first day at Liberty High today and to be completely honest...I was terrified!

I ran around my room, frantically, sorting through my wardrobe to find a cute but casual outfit to wear. After about 10 minutes, I had finally decided.

 After about 10 minutes, I had finally decided

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I lightly curled my hair and applied some basic, light makeup.

I jogged down the stairs, grabbing a piece of toast and running out of the door.
"Good luck!" My mum smiled, "Love you!"
"Love you too!" I yelled as I ran out of the door and jumped into my car, making my way to school.

*Time Skip*

I entered the busy halls and stood still, looking around. I had to find the office to get my schedule, but I was completely lost. A tall, brown-haired boy stood in front of me and smiled.
"Are you new? I just haven't seen you around and I mean...You look pretty lost!" He smiled and laughed lightly.
"Aha yeah I am pretty lost to be honest..." I giggle and he smirks.
"Well, my lady!" He fake bowed, "I will lead you...Where do you wish to go?"
I laughed at this boys kindness...He was very handsome too...
"Well..." I smirked, "Can you take me to the office so I can get my schedule."
"I can follow me!" He grabbed my hand and guided me through the crowded corridors.

A group of boys whistled as me and the boy walked past.
"GET IN THERE ATKKINS!!" One boy yelled!.
"Oh shut up Walker..." The boy laughed as we entered a door.
"Sorry about them...Uhh...My friends..." He stuttered.
"It's fine." I giggle.
"Anyway we are here Miss!" He bowed again.

A woman at the office handed me my time table and the handsome boy looked over my shoulder.
"Y/F/N, I like that name!" He laughed.
"Well as you now know my name. I feel like I should get to know my prince in shining armors name..." I smirked, "All I know is Atkins...?"
"Prince in shining armor aye...That means you must be my princess!" He grinned, causing me to laugh, "Anyway yeah my name is Jeff...Jeff Atkins."
"Well, Jeff...Jeff Atkins!" I mocked, "As I am now your princess, I have one more wish..."
He grinned, "Anything for you, what is it?" He said.
"Would you maybe be able to take me to biology because well...It's me! I will get lost." I giggled.
"Ooo I have biology first too!" Jeff offered me his hand, "Come this way princess...I will show you the way."
He winked and then laughed, "Why am I so cringe!"
"It's not cringe Jeff!" I grabbed his hand and we began to walk, "I find it sweet!"

Jeff and I walked together all the way to biology. I really like this boy so far...I'm sure we will get on very well.

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