Justin Foley [4]

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Your POV 

I was sat with Hannah in the cafeteria at lunch, just a few tables away from the Jocks. I usually had zero interest in those guys but recently Justin had started to talk to me and I hated to admit but I had begun to form a crush for him.
"Hey earth to Y/N." Hannah waved her hand in front of my face and I looked at her.
"Ah damn sorry, I must've just zoned out." I shook my head and laughed lightly.
"More like you were thinking about Justin again, don't deny it." Hannah giggled, turning to glance at the table and then turning back to me, "Why don't you just go speak to him and tell him how you feel."
"What do you mean 'how I feel'? I don't feel any specific way." I lied, awkwardly laughing.
"You can't lie to me, I've known you for so long Y/N." She laughed again, "Anyway are you going to the basketball game tonight?"

I went to reply but I looked up and noticed Justin stood at the end of Hannah and I's table about to speak.
"That's a very good question, are you coming to the game? I'm playing." He smirked slightly.
"I'm not exactly a sportsperson." I laughed.
"Hmm you may not be a sports person but you are a Justin person." Hannah smirked, raising her eyebrows and shrugging her shoulders.
This caused both her and Justin to laugh.
"Hannah!" I glared at her, kicking her under the table slightly.
"Liberty has to win this game so I'll need my lucky charm there." Justin smirked once again, "So you have to come."
"I'll see if I'm free." I shrugged my shoulders whilst almost dying internally at his comment.
"Well, I hope that I'll see you there." Justin smiled and walked back to his table.

After a few seconds Hannah spoke, "Oh my god you have to go! He is so into you. I'll come with you."
"Ugh fine." I smiled as we ate our lunch.

*Time Skip*

I sat on the bleachers next to Hannah, waiting for the basketball game to start. 
"Oh look they're walking out." Hannah pointed to the guys walking out onto the court. 
I saw Justin and his eyes scanned around the crowd of people until his eyes met with mine. He smiled as he walked past and I smiled back.
"You so love him." Hannah elbowed me and I rolled my eyes.
"Defiantly not." I replied almost instantly.
"Hmm whatever you say." She laughed and we watched the game.

*Time Skip*

The game ended and Liberty won thanks to Justin scoring in the last minute. Without caring about what he would think, I jumped out of my seat and made my way down to the courts. He made his way towards me and I engulfed him in a tight, sweaty hug.
"You did amazing." I smiled as we both pulled away.
"It was all thanks to my lucky charm being here to watch." He grinned, causing me to blush, "If you have some free time left in your super 'busy schedule' would you maybe like to go to Rosie's with me now? Obviously after I've changed and everything."
"I would love to." I smiled.
"I'm going to get changed real quick, just wait here." He said and I nodded.
As he headed away I turned to see Hannah making her way towards me.
"You look awfully smiley." She grinned, "What did he say?"
"He asked me to Rosie's after he has got changed." I smiled.
"Oh my, finally." She clapped in excitement, "You'll have to text me every detail after." 
"Of course." I hugged her.

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