Montgomery de la Cruz [9] Part 2

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Your POV

It was Monday, just a few days after Bryce's party on Friday and Monty and I hadn't seen each other or spoke about what happened at the party since. I mean, I never expected to talk about what happened but I knew today was going to be slightly awkward at school. We hung out in the same group so there was no way I would be able to avoid him which worried me. Applying a final layer of mascara, I heard the familiar beep of my friend, Zach's, car horn. I grabbed bag from beside me and jogged down my stairs, saying a quick goodbye to my parents before heading out of the front door and towards Zach's car.

*Time Skip*

As Zach and I arrived at Liberty, we both jumped out of his car and my phone pinged, signifying a text.
Monty😍-Hey, meet me at the bleachers?...please. I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but give me five minutes of your time, then I'll leave you alone xx

I rolled my eyes at his text, wondering what the hell he wanted now, but obliged and sent a quick 'fine will be there in 5 xx' as a response. Telling Zach what was happening, he wished me luck and I headed off towards the side of the school and around to the football pitch.

Making way around the corner, I noticed Monty sat on the bleachers, a bunch of roses in his hand, looking down at the ground. Trying to hide my slight smile, I made my way towards him and slumped down next to him, dropping bag beside him. He looked up and for a second, we met eyes, before I quickly broke it and looked straight at the ground.
"Look..." Monty sighed, clearly trying to gather his words before speaking.
"I love you I really do ok Y/N and I promise you, I never stopped loving you." He began and I suddenly felt tears brimming in my eyes, "I just...things have been happening at home with me and my dad and it's just not safe for you to be with me."
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking into his eyes once again and noticing that they were glazed over with tears.
"He's been really short-tempered with everything recently and well...we got into a massive fight the night I broke up with you and he said..." Monty cut himself off and dropped his head into his hands, clearly trying to hide the fact that he had begun to cry.
"Hey, hey shhh." I tried to soothe him, shuffling closer towards him and placing one of my hands into his, intertwining our fingers together.
I used my free hand to place a finger under his chin and guided his head up so he was looking into my eyes. He looked absolutely broken and at that moment tears began to spill out of my eyes.
"W-what did he say to you Monty? Please talk to me." I pleaded.
"He said t-that he would kill you next time I pissed him off..." He stuttered, trying to control his tears, "He's not someone who gives empty threats and I can't fucking risk anything. My dads a fucking psycho!"
"Oh Monty..." I sighed, taking in what he had just said to me, "Why didn't you just tell me?"
"I didn't want to scare you and well I thought it was just safer and easier. That's why I tried friends with benefits because I couldn't bare to completely lose you and I know that was selfish of me but I just didn't know what to do."
"Hey, no, it's not selfish of you, I just wish that you would've told me all of this sooner." I admitted.

Monty and I sat in silence for a few moments before I spoke up once again.
"Look...We can get through this okay? I want you more than anything Monty and as long as we're careful and make sure you're dad doesn't know, we will be fine. We will be able to do this... Please just give it a chance?" I pleaded, not wanting anything else but a tight hug from the perfect boy next to me and being able to call him mine once again.
"You still want me?" He asked, clearly slightly shocked.
"Of course I do!" I half-laughed, "I love you more than anything Monty and I want to be with you now and forever."
"I would like that too..." Monty grinned, still crying slightly, "I love you too baby."
Without warning, I lent in and placed my lips onto Monty's. After a few seconds, he kissed back and my hand made their way around his neck, pulling him closer to me. His hand held the side of my face lightly, clearly wanting to be careful with me. Our passionate kiss continued until we both ran out of breath and pulled away.

We lent our foreheads together and attempted to regain our breath before Monty spoke.
"Would you maybe like to be my girlfriend again?" He asked, anxiety laced in his words even though he already knew what my answer was going to be.
"Of course I'd love to be your girlfriend again baby!" I smiled and Monty turned away from me quickly, picking up the bouquet of roses sat beside him, handing them to me.
"These are for you, to show you how much I love you...and to show you how sorry I for not explaining all of this sooner. I was just scared..." He admitted.
"Oh my, they're beautiful, thank you, Monty. You don't need to apologise though, I have my baby back, that's all that matters to me now." I grinned, grabbing the boys face once again and connecting our lips.

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