Zach Dempsey [8]

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Your POV

Zach and I had broke up just over a month ago now and I was still completely broken. We had been together for almost two years and we broke up after a massive fight. I honestly don't even know what we were arguing about but here I was, sat in my car just moments before the bell would ring for class, terrified to see him. You may wonder why specifically today I was worried and it was because today would have been our two year anniversary. Of course, that meant nothing now but I still felt anxious getting out of my car.

I had tried extra hard today, specifically picking out an outfit last night and spending time this morning to do my makeup. There was no real reason for me doing this except it gave me a confidence boost as I walked through the halls. Zach and I may have broken up but I still hung out with his group as my friends, Jess and Sheri, hung out with the jocks. Walking down the hallway, I spotted Jess and Sheri with the jocks, leaning against a few lockers. Jess noticed me and grinned as I headed towards her.
"Jesssss!" I giggled, embracing her in a tight hug.
"Y/N! Your makeup looks amazing whoa." Jess grinned as we pulled away.
"And your outfit!" Sheri added as I pulled her into a tight hug.
"What's the special occasion?" Justin joined into the conversation, clearly oblivious to what today would be.
I quickly took a glance at Zach to see him staring directly at me with a slight smile. Clearing my thoughts, I turned back to Justin, answering his question.
"Nothing." I laughed, "Just felt like making an effort."
I glanced back at Zach once again and noticed that Zach's facial expression had dropped slightly. I just brushed it off.
"All I'm saying is damn girl!" Bryce smirked and I rolled my eyes.
I noticed that Zach was clenching his jaw slightly. The bell for first period rang and we all began to disperse. As I began to walk away, I felt someone grab my hand and stop me.

"What the...Zach?" I raided my brow, pulling my hand out of his.
"Can...Can we talk?" He asked.
"Sure." I shrugged, acting completely unphased by him talking to me.
We both walked out of Liberty and into the carpark, getting into Zach's car.

"So?" I asked, playing with the hem of my cropped jumper.
"Look...I'm so fucking sorry okay. I miss you so much and I hate that I do but, I can't help it. God knows I've tried. Please just..." Zach paused, "I'm just sorry for everything okay."
I took a second to process the situation I was in before speaking.
"I'm sorry too." I looked into his eyes.

Zach rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a box causing my eyes to go wide.
"Take this as a 'technically' two-year anniversary gift slash a 'please take me back' present." Zach half-smiled causing me to giggle slightly.
"Oh my, Zach it's beautiful." I gasped as he opened the box revealing a necklace engraved with Zach's name.
"I bought it a few months ago for our anniversary." He said, "I was wondering...Would you maybe like to give me a second chance?"
"Yes Zach, I would love to." I smiled and he embraced me in a tight hug.
We pulled away and Zach took the necklace out of the box, putting it around my neck.
"I love it." I smiled, "I love you."
"I love you too." Zach replied, pulling me in for a kiss.

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