Montgomery de la Cruz [13]

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Your POV

I was currently sat alone on the bleachers, with my head in my hands, waiting for my boyfriend Scott to arrive. I had texted him a few minutes ago asking him to meet me because I needed to speak to him. You see, Scott and I had been dating for around two months now and of course, I loved him but I had begun growing feelings for someone else recently. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Scott and I knew telling him what was happening would hurt him less than trying to hide it and continue a relationship that I wasn't 100% happy with. Scott was an incredible boyfriend but I just couldn't stop my growing feelings for my best friend, Monty. Deep down, I had always had slight feelings for Monty but I shut them away because I knew he would never like me and then I met Scott. He was an amazing guy and after just a few dates he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so happy with him until I heard from Zach that Monty had told him that he had feelings for me. I was completely shocked by this and over the week that I had known this, my feelings towards Monty had just kept growing stronger. I hated that I felt like this but I knew that breaking up with Scott was the right thing to do.

"Uhh hey..." Scott said, breaking out of my thoughts.
"Oh uhh her, look sit. I need to talk to you." I sighed.
Scott sad down and spoke once again, "Look I know exactly what's going on. I know you like Monty and well it's clear that Monty likes you too. You and him would be good together, I don't want to get in between that. I'm fine with this okay Y/N."
"I'm so fucking sorry Scott, I never wanted this to happy. I really do love you, it's just...I can't help my feelings and it's just not the right thing to do, being with you if I'm not 100% in it." I sighed, rubbing my temples.
"It's honestly fine Y/N, look we can still be friends right?" Scott asked.
"Of course." I smiled.
I pulled him in for a tight hug and we spoke everything through for a little bit longer.

*Time Skip*

It was currently 6 pm and I had just pulled up to the docks in my car. I had texted Monty about half an hour ago, asking him to meet me there. I hadn't planned to tell Monty everything today after only just breaking up with Scott at lunch but I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I stayed sat in the car for a few seconds, just processing my thoughts and preparing what I was going to say before I got out.

Getting out of my car, I locked the door and made my way down the path towards the edge of the dock. I noticed Monty sat on the edge with his legs dangled over the edge and I made my way towards him, sitting down beside him.
"Hey Y/N, how're you?" Monty asked, smiling slightly as I sat down next to him.
"Uhh, I'm okay thanks, you?" I smiled.
"I'm good thanks, what did you want to speak about?" He asked.
"Umm well...I broke up with Scott today." I shrugged, looking out towards the water.
"Wait, why? What happened? I thought you liked him." Monty raised his brow, clearly confused by the whole situation.
"I did like him...I just...I like someone else more and I couldn't stay with Scott when I want someone else more." I admitted.
"Oh...well I mean, shouldn't you be saying this to the guy you like." Monty laughed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Well..." I paused for a second, "Maybe I am talking to the guy I like."

We both sat in silence for a second before Monty spoke up.
"W-what do you mean?" He stuttered.
"Look, Zach told me last week that you like me and well, I like you too Monty, a lot." I admitted, looking deeply into his deep brown eyes.
"Wait really?" He smiled.
"Yepp." I smirked, "I've liked you for a while but I guess I just kind of hid it and tried to ignore it, I never thought that I would have a chance with you."
"Are you kidding? I've liked you for over a year now Y/N." Monty smiled.

"So..." Monty began, "Would you maybe like to go on a date with me to Rosie's tomorrow? We can take it slow, I know you've only just broken up with Scott so I'm happy to take it slowly and just go on a few dates and see where it goes."
"Awh Monty, I'd love to go on a date with you. Thank you for being so nice about this." I smiled.
"Well thank you for giving me a chance." He smiled back.

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