Scott Reed [9] Part 2

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Your POV

It was Monday, the day after Scott and I's huge argument, and today I had to show my face at school. I had tried to text and call Scott multiple times throughout the night, as I didn't sleep whatsoever, but he hadn't answered any of them. I dreaded showing my puffy and tearstained face at school but I honestly had no energy or willpower to do my makeup so all I did was throw up my hair in a messy bun and throw on some leggings and a T-shirt. I grabbed my favourite one of Scott's hoodies that I had stolen from him and lifted it up to my nose, breathing in his comforting scent, causing my eyes to well up once again as I did so. Throwing the oversized hoodie on, I grabbed my bag and jogged down the stairs, saying a quick goodbye, before I left to head to school.

*Time Skip*

I made my way towards the large double doors of Liberty, feeling everyone's eyes on me as I pushed open the doors and walked into the corridor. I grabbed the cuffs of Scotts oversized hoodie that I was wearing, playing with them to ease the anxiety that ran through my veins as I walked towards where my group of friends usually stood. Quickly I scanned the group, searching for one specific boy, but he wasn't there.

"Whoa Y/N, what's up? I mean no offence, but you look pretty rough." Jess gasped as I made it to the group.
"Nothing I-I'm fine." I choked, trying not to cry once again, "Look I've got to go."
I span on my heel and headed straight for the doors that led to the bleachers outside, finally letting the tears roll down my cheeks that I had been holding in all this time.

*Time Skip*

I had been sat on the empty bleachers alone for the past ten minutes, just crying. I couldn't control it, this hurt so fucking much. I  regretted everything I said to Scott and I missed him so much...I had truly lost him and that broke my heart.

"Y-Y/N?" A familiar voice croaked out, making me jump slightly, "Can we talk?"
I looked up, meeting eyes with the perfect boy that stood just inches away from me and I nodded slightly in response. He sat beside me and I took a second to examine his features as he stared at the ground. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy and his undereye bags were a deep blue shade, indicating that he had also had a sleepless night.
"Look...I'm so sorry Y/N..." Scott began, but I cut him off.
"I should be the one saying sorry Scott...I really am sorry, I said some horrible things and I really didn't mean any of it. It was just really heated. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't know what to do without you." I said, letting a tear roll down my cheek as I looked into Scott's eyes.
Scott lifted one hand up towards my face and ran his thumb across my cheek, wiping my tear away, causing me to burst into a flood of tears. He pulled me into his strong arms and held me tight as we both sobbed onto each other's shoulders. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and breathed in his comforting scent, trying to soothe myself. After a few moments, we both pulled away and I giggled slightly.
"What are you laughing at?" Scott asked, wiping his tear-stained cheeks.
"You now have a wet patch from my tears." I half smirked and Scott laughed lightly.
"Ah well don't worry, you have one from my tears too." Scott pointed out.
"Hmm true but this is your jumper so really it's your problem." I grinned and Scott smiled.
"Look can we just forget last night?" He asked.
"I would like that." I nodded and at that moment I was pulled in by Scott for a soft and quick kiss.

"Now...Do you want to just skip today and come back to mine? I didn't sleep all night last night and I know you didn't either so let's just skip and go have a lazy day." Scott suggested.
"Hmm sounds perfect to me." I agreed as we both got up and headed out towards the car park to head to Scott's.

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