Zach Dempsey [6]

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Your POV

"Where are we going?" I questioned my boyfriend as we drove down the road towards the surprise destination.
"It's not a surprise if I tell you." Zach smirked, taking a quick glance at me before directing his attention back to the road.
"But Zachhh." I wined, as we came to a stop at the side of the road.
"The riverbank?" I raised my brow.
"Well as this was the place I asked you to be my girlfriend, I thought it was fitting to have our first anniversary here." He smiled and we both got out of the car. 
"Awh that's so thoughtful." I blushed, intertwining our fingers together and giving him a peck on the cheek.

Zach and I walked hand in hand down the rocky path towards the riverbank. As we turned the corner, I noticed fairy lights hanging from the trees. There was a chequered blanket on the floor with a picnic on top.
"Whoa Zach, you did this?" I smiled as we got to the blanket.
"I know you like picnics so I thought this would be a good idea. I made sure to get all of your favourite foods." He smiled as we both sat down on the blanket.
"Chocolate coated strawberries?" I asked excitedly.
"Of course, what would a picnic be without them?" He smirked, unpacking the food.

*Time Skip*

Zach and I had spent the last few hours stuffing our faces with food and talking about anything and everything. I felt so at peace when with Zach, he was my whole world. By this point in the evening, the sun had begun to set on the city and we were wrapped in each others arms watching the sky. 
"Tonight was perfect, thank you." I turned to face Zach.
"It's not over yet princess." He smiled, getting up and grabbing my hand.
I got up and followed him to the river edge and he stopped in front of me.
"wha..." Zach cut me off by pulling a small box out of his pocket.
A look of shock spread across my face and he laughed lightly.
"Don't worry I'm not proposing to you." He laughed opening the small box.
A slight sigh of relief escaped my lips and I smiled at him. 
"It's a promise ring." He shew me the ring, "I'm promising to marry you one day. It's a promise that we will be together for the rest of our lives."
He took the ring out and slid it onto my finger.
"Zach it's beautiful!" I exclaimed,  looking at the ring of my finger, "I love it, I love you. Thank you."
Zach pulled me into a tight embrace and pecked me on the forehead, "I love you too."

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