Scott Reed [8]

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Your POV

I rolled over in my bed, expecting to be met with my boyfriends face just inches away from me but instead, I was met with the cold, empty side of the bed. My eyes slowly opened and I rubbed them, wondering where he had disappeared to. My parents weren't home for the week, meaning I had an empty house and as it was the weekend, he had no excuse to have left. I sighed, sitting up and pulling the covers off of me, shivering due to the sudden change in temperature. I glanced across the floor, grabbing the nearest clothing item to me and pulling it over my head. Once it was on, I breathed in the scent of Scott's cologne and realised that it was his hoodie that he wore yesterday.

The smell of bacon navigated its way up the stairs and into my bedroom, causing my stomach to rumble. I stood up, pulling the hoodie down to cover my thighs slightly and opened my bedroom door. I was wearing pyjama shorts but due to the cold air, they were not keeping me warm. 

I tiptoed down the stairs and made my way towards the kitchen, standing silently in the doorway. Watching from afar, I smiled as Scott grabbed two plates and placed the cooked bacon and eggs onto them. He buttered the pieces of toast and put them on the plates too. I made my way up behind Scott and stood on my tiptoes, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his shoulder.
"Good morning handsome." I smiled, kissing his jaw softly.
"Good morning sleepy head." He grinned, spinning around to face me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and I moved mine to around his neck.
"I'm going to need you to permanently move in with my family if you are going to cook for me like this." I smirked, reaching behind him and grabbing a piece of bacon off of one of the plates.
I giggled, taking a huge bite of the food and he frowned slightly, jokingly. I took another bite of the bacon before feeding Scott the rest.
"Don't get used to it Y/N." He laughed, "We both know this is the first and last time that I'll ever be able to cook without burning the house down."
I laughed, shaking my head slightly before pecking him on the lips and wriggling out of his arms.

I grabbed the plate that I had stolen the bacon from and sat on the breakfast bar, motioning for Scott to sit beside me. He grabbed his plate and sat beside me, tucking into his breakfast. We spoke about our plans for the weekend and any other random topics that came up as we finished our cooked breakfast.

"That was amazing." I said, finishing my food, "Thank you."
I grabbed his plate and washed our plates and cutlery up.
"No problem," He smiled, coming up behind me, "Anything for my girl."
I blushed at his words and smiled, "Now let's go back to bed and watch Netflix, I'm cold!"
"Sounds like a plan." Scott grinned, interlocking our fingers and leading us back upstairs.

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