Scott Reed [4]

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Your POV 

My family had just moved and that meant I had to change high school. Out of pure luck, my family had decided to move to where my best friend, Jess, lived which meant I would be going to school with her. I always had major anxiety when starting a new school but it was way more controlled this time, knowing that my best friend would be by my side during it all.

I stood in front of my floor-length mirror, just minutes before Jess was meant to be picking me up, applying a light layer of lip gloss to finish getting ready. I heard a loud honk of a horn coming from in my driveway, causing me to jump slightly. I grabbed my bag and threw my phone and purse in, heading out of the door. My parents had already left for work an hour ago.

"Heyyyy!" Jess exclaimed as I opened the car door, "It's been so long!"
"Oh god I know right! You'll get bored of me soon, once we see each other every day." I laughed as I put my seatbelt on and Jess began to drive.
The drive was only about five minutes but we both had tons to speak about.
"So you are still single?" Jess wiggled her brows, eyes still focused on the road.
"Unsurprisingly yes." I shook my head, laughing lightly, "You're still with that Jock, Justin right?"
"Yeah but he's not just a jock Y/N gees." She rolled her eyes slightly.
"Ah yes sorry." I joked.
"Anyway give it a month, in fact probably a week and I bet that you will have a crush on one of the Jocks." She smirked, "They ain't all the stereotypical Jock boys you know. I'll admit there are one or two that I would stay  away from but they ain't all terrible."
"Hmm whatever you say." I sighed, smiling slightly.
"Just a heads up." Jess said as we pulled into the school carpark, "Bryce is a bit of a creep so I wouldn't recommend him."
"Aha okay Jess." I laughed as we got out of her car and made our way towards the large double doors of Liberty high.

We both walked through the doors of the school and Jess grabbed my hand.
"Come with me, we are going to find Justin." She smiled and walked through the crowd.
I nodded and we walked a bit further until she spoke again.
"Look there he is, with the Jocks." She pointed towards them, "That one is Bryce, the guy next to him is Montgomery but just call him Monty, the guy next to him is Scott..."
I cut her off mid-sentence, "Hmm Scott."
"Oh my god, I knew there would be at least one of them you liked the look of." She smirked.
"Oh shut it, he has a nice...face." I cringed and both Jess and I burst out into fits of laughter.

"Hey guys." Jess waved as we finally reached the group and she let go of me, going to hug Justin.
"Who's the new girl?" Bryce smirked slightly, looking me up and down.
"Her name is Y/N and she's my best friend so leave her the hell alone." Jess rolled her eyes and I tried to hide my laugh.
"H-Hey." I said whilst giggling slightly at Jess's previous comment.

Everyone introduced their selves and then it got to Scott.
"Hey I'm Scott." He smiled.
"Hey." I smiled, taking the time to take in his features.
"I mean I'm never normally this forward or confident but I have to say you are extremely beautiful." He said, whilst leaning against the lockers behind him.
"Ah thank you." I replied, feeling a strong blush flood to my cheeks.
I went to speak once again but Monty cut me off, "Damn you guys have just met. You seem like you are both made for each other."
Everyone laughed a bit before Jess spoke, "I normally don't agree with what Monty says but for once I do."
"Hey maybe we are made for each other." Scott raised his brow, trying to hold a straight face but failing miserably.
We both burst into laughter and I shook my head at his comment, "That was the cheesiest thing I've ever heard someone say."

The bell for first period rang and everyone began to disperse off to class.
"Hey, I'll see you at break?" I asked Scott before I left with Jess.
"Yeah, see you later." Scott smiled before jogging to catch up with his friends.

"Gosh we should've betted actual money, I defiantly would've won." Jess laughed as we headed to class.
"Oh shh I don't have a crush on him, I've known him for five minutes." I shook my head.
"You may not now but you will." She smirked as we headed to class.

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