Montgomery de la Cruz [1] Part 2

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Your POV 

I slumped back into the position I had been sat in for the last day with my ice cream and wrapped my fluffy throw over my weak body. My mum let me have the rest of the week off after what happened yesterday morning in school. I couldn't bare walking back into that hell hole alone. I couldn't bare to see him flirting with other, more attractive girls right in front of my face. I hated how he made me feel like this and he seemed as if he didn't care whatsoever. 

My thoughts were broken by a loud knock at the door and I pulled myself up from the sofa, leaving my half-eaten tub of ice cream in my seat. I wrapped the throw tightly around my shoulder as I made my way towards the door, unlocking it and revealing Zach stood in front of me.
"H-Hey?" I raised my brow, letting him in and closing the door.
"Hey Y/N, sorry for just turning up unannounced but I needed to talk to you." He smiled as we made our way to the sofa and sat down.
"Go ahead." I shrugged my shoulders, already knowing who he was going to speak about.
"I thought you should know the Monty didn't break up with you because he's some heartless creature..." I cut Zach off mid-sentence. 
"Wow really cause it sure as hell seems like he's pretty heartless." I felt my eyes brim with tears simply at the thought of him.
"I know it seems like that but hear me out. I overheard him talking to Bryce and supposedly he broke up with you because he got into a massive fight with his dad and his dad said a load of stuff about how he was supposedly 'ruining you' and 'he didn't deserve someone like you' and just a load of horrible stuff like that. He broke up with you because he took what his dad said to heart and he thought it was better for you." Zach said.
"It's not better for me." I sighed, "I love him."
"He said he never wanted to break up with you. He used the girl he was with yesterday to make sure you didn't ask a load of questions about why he broke up with you. He wanted you to think that he had just moved on I guess." He shrugged his shoulders.
"God he's so stupid." I rolled my eyes, "I need to speak to him."
"Ah see this is the main reason I came. He never turned up to school today. We normally wouldn't worry but he stayed at Bryce's last night and told Bryce when he left that he was heading to school. Do you know anywhere that he would've gone?" Zach asked with a concerned tone in his voice.
"Shit, right um..." I thought for a second, "The riverbank. We always went there when we needed to clear our minds."
"Right okay, I'll probably head down there to check, thanks." Zach went to get up but I stopped him.
"Wait. Can you maybe give me five minutes to get dressed and brush my teeth. I really need to speak to him and know he's safe." I asked.
"Yeah sure, I'll drop you off down there and if he's there I'll leave you to speak to him." Zach offered.
"Thank you so much, I'll be five minutes." I jumped up off of the sofa, running up towards my room to get dressed.

*Time Skip*

We pulled up tot he river bank and I spotted his familiar Jeep parked just meters away from us.

"That's his car right?" Zach pointed to the Jeep.
"Yeah it is." I smiled slightly, "I'll head down to speak to him. I'll text you if I need you at all, thanks for the ride."
"No problem." Zach replied, "Go get your man back!"
"Oh god stop Zach." We both laughed and I got out of his car, waving at him as he drove away.

I made my way down the rocky path and around a corner, looking for Monty. I knew exactly where he would be sat, right on the river edge with his legs dangled over the edge. My eyes focused on the figure sat by the river edge, back towards me. I made my way closer and could hear light sniffles coming from the man just meters away from me. After moments of organizing my thought and focusing on what I planned to say, I spoke.

"Monty?" I said and he quickly jumped up, wiping his red and bloodshot eyes.
"Y-Y/N?" He looked shocked by my presence.
"Come here." I opened up my arms, signaling for him to come for a hug.
Without a single word, Monty made his way towards me and accepted my offer, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I felt him let himself go as he sobbed onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck, letting a few tears slip out of my eyes and run down my cheeks. As much as he had broke my heart yesterday it broke my heart more seeing him upset and broken like this. I rubbed my hand up and down his back in an attempt to soothe him.
"Shh let it all out." I whispered as he continued to sob onto my shoulder, "It's okay, everything will be okay. I'm here for you now and I'm never leaving."

After a few more minutes staying in that position, Monty pulled away, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his chequered shirt and walking back to the river bank. He sat down and patted the space beside him, signifying for me to join him. We sat in a peaceful silence, taking in the scenery and clearing our minds. After a few moments, I felt Monty's arm snake around my waist, pulling me slightly closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder as we proceeded to enjoy the comfortable silence between us.

"Look I'm sorry..." I cut him off.
"You don't need to apologize." I said, "Zach overheard you telling Bryce why you broke up with me and he told me. You don't need to explain, I understand."
"But I truly am sorry. I should've spoke to you instead of just putting up my walls and shutting you out." He sighed.
"Hmm you tend to do that a lot." I felt him laugh lightly at my comment, causing a smile to spread across my face, "But I love you and I accept that that is how you are."
"And I love you too." Monty smiled, pulling away and planting a short but sweet kiss onto my lips.
"So does that mean we are back together?" I smirked.
"I mean I was kind of enjoying the single life." He jokingly said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Heyyy. "I pouted.
"I'm joking, of course we are back together. I'm a mess without you." He laughed slightly.
"Gosh, same. I wasn't in school today. I spent the whole morning sitting on my sofa, eating ice cream and feeling sorry for myself." I shook my head, laughing.
"Hmm so instead of going to school maybe we can go to yours, eat ice cream and feel sorry for ourselves together?" Monty suggested.
"Sounds perfect." I smiled.

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