Clay Jensen [8]

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Your POV

It was a Wednesday morning and I walked into the halls of Liberty with my best friend, Zach, beside me. My eyes scanned across the halls, searching for my boyfriend as I hadn't spoken to him since Monday afternoon. I felt as if I had done something wrong as he seemed to be ignoring me but I was unable to actually think of anything I could've possibly done wrong. My eyes met with Clay from across the hall and I smiled, hoping that he would smile back. He simply frowned and turned back to Tony who was stood with him. I huffed and turned to Zach.
"Look I'm going to go speak to Clay, work out what's wrong. I'll see you in bio." I smiled and Zach nodded, saying a quick goodbye to me as I made my way over to Clay.

"Hey Clay, wait up!" I said as he was a few metres away from me, "...Please."
"I'll talk to you in a bit." Clay half smiled to Tony before turning towards me, "What do you want Y/N?"
"Whoa...What's with the harsh tone, I just wanted to talk to my boyfriend." I was taken aback by Clay's tone.
"Well then maybe you should go and talk to Zach then." Clay groaned, turning away from me once again.
"Are you kidding me Clay?" I half laughed at Clay's comment, grabbing his hand and leading him out of school, "You really think Zach and I have a thing going on?" 
"I mean you spend more time with him than you do with me." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Clay he's my best friend and we are paired up for our bio project, of course we spend time together. Anyway, I would be spending more time with you but you are the one that started ignoring me." I pointed out.
"I'm sorry, I was just jealous I guess." Clay frowned.

I looked Clay straight in the eyes and cupped his face with my hands.
"I love you okay? You and only you. Zach is my best friend, he has been since kindergarten. If I had a crush on him, don't you think I would've told him by now." I smiled and Clay nodded.
"I love you too." Clay grinned as I closed the gap between us and planted a soft kiss onto his lips.

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