Scott Reed [5]

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Your POV

I walked down the corridor of Liberty, bag flung over my shoulder, alone. As I walked past the dreaded group of jocks, I kept my head down, hoping that one specific boy wouldn't notice me. I heard a boy shout my name and I looked up to see Scott jog towards me.
"Hey Y/N wait up." He smiled.
"Sorry I have to get to the library." I replied, quickly making my way down the corridor.
Scott and I used to be friends and I had a huge crush on him. That was until Hannah's tapes circulated the school and I heard about how the jocks were. It disgusted me that he was part of such a group. Deep down I knew he wasn't like the others but I just didn't know what to think.

As I sat in the library, revising before break, I felt terrible for how I had spoke to Scott earlier. He had been a huge part of my high school life and the fact that I had just suddenly began to blank him must've hurt him.

As the guilt clouded my brain, my phone pinged, signaling a text. I unlocked my phone and clicked on the message.

Scott-Meet me in the car park, please? I really need to talk to you x
Me-Sure, give me 5 x

I bundled up my stuff and shoved it into my bag before sliding my phone into my back pocket and making my way out of the library.

I pushed the double doors and walked out of school, spotting Scott stood by his car, looking at his feet. I awkwardly made my way towards him and he looked up, smiling slightly.
"Hey." I broke the silence as I shuffled from one leg to another awkwardly.
"Hey look can you maybe miss next period and come on a drive with me? I really need to speak to you." He asked.
"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged my shoulders as he unlocked his car and we both got in.

After a few minutes of silence, Scott spoke.
"So look I know why you are trying to distance yourself from me." He sighed, keeping his eyes focused on the road.
"What do you mean?" I swallowed deeply.

We pulled up to the river bank and Scott stopped the car. Without speaking he got out and signaled for me to get out too. We made our way down to the riverbank in silence before Scott spoke up again.
"I'm not stupid Y/N.I know that you have heard the tapes and I know exactly what you think of me..." Scott paused for a second, taking a deep breath, "...But you have to believe me when I say I'm not like them. I'm not a rapist."
"Scott look. I never thought you were like them but I just felt like I had to distance myself. I don't even know why it was so fucking stupid and I'm genuinely so sorry.  I hated not speaking to you, I love you..." I mentally facepalmed the moment those words slipped out of my lips and I automatically glanced down to the ground.
"W-What?" Scott said in shock.

After a few seconds, I felt someone's finger under my chin, lifting my head up. I met eyes with Scott and butterflies erupted in my stomach at his touch.
"What did you say?" Scott smiled, wanting verification.
"I-I love you." I stuttered as his eyes searched mine.
Scott began to lean in but before he completely closed the gap between us he whispered.
"I love you too." He smiled before connecting our lips.
Our lips collided and moved in sync as I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. The kiss was soft yet full of love. We both pulled away and lent our foreheads together.
"I've wanted to do that for so long." Scott said with a huge grin plastered on his face.
"Me too." I smiled, unwrapping my arms from around his neck.
He took my hand in his and looked into my eyes once again.
"So look I was wondering. Would you maybe like to be my girlfriend?" He asked, squeezing my hand lightly.
"I would love to." I smiled as he lifted his hand towards his face and kissed the top of my hand.
I wrapped him into a tight embrace, trying to hide the huge blush that was spread across my cheeks.

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