Alex Standall [3]

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Y/I/N =Your Instagram name 

Your POV

The last bell of the day rang and I jumped up, quickly making my way out of the crowded, sweaty halls of school. Today had been an extremely long and drawn out day and all I wanted was to go home and chill out. I pushed the school's double doors and as soon as I got out I heard someone shout my name from behind me. I turned and spotted a familiar blonde-haired boy trying to catch up with me.
"Hey Y/N!" The boy breathed deeply once he finally caught up with me.
"Hey Alex." I smiled as we both walked towards the carpark together.
"Do you have a ride?" He asked me.
"Uhh I was going to just walk honestly." I shrugged my shoulders and repositioned my bag on my back.
"Well you can come with me." He offered, "We can just go ride around for a bit to chill out, today has been stressful."
"Sounds better than my lonesome plans of sitting in my room." I laughed and we both got into his car.

He began to drive and we sat in peaceful silence for a moment. This time allowed me to clear my mind of all of today's stress and I could just breathe. My eyes wandered from the beautiful view outside and to the even more beautiful view of Alex. I would never tell a single soul, but I had liked him for over a year now. There was just something about the man, who sat just inches away from me in the driver's seat, that gave me butterflies. His crystal blue eyes kept focused on the road ahead and his hands gripped the steering wheel loosely. As my eyes drifted over every feature on his face they landed on his lips and I slowly saw a smirk emerge.
"You enjoying the view?" Alex took a quick glance at me, maintaining his smirk, before focusing his eyes back onto the road. 
"Oh shut up." I blushed and reverted my eyes back out of the passenger's side window, trying to hide my bright red face from him.
"hmm okay." Is all that Alex said before pulling over at the side of the road, beside a lake and taking his seatbelt off.
"Why have you stopped?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"You told me to shut up." He shrugged.
I went to speak but he cut me off by talking again, "Actions speak louder than words."
He smirked once again before shuffling towards me and inching his face closer to mine. Our faces were just inches apart and the butterflies that had just settled, erupted once again but this time they had multiplied into thousands. Without a single thought, I closed the gap and connected our lips. Surprisingly, he kissed back almost automatically and his hands made their way around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My hands tangled their selves into his bleached blonde hair and I felt him smile into the kiss. We stayed like this for what felt like only seconds but by the lack of oxygen, I could tell it had been a while. We both pulled away, gasping for air, but we still stayed wrapped in each other's arms. We lent our foreheads together and my hands moved down so they were now wrapped around his neck. 

I could feel him examining every feature on my face before speaking, "That was incredible!"
I giggled and nodded my head, "I agree."
"So would you maybe like to be my girlfriend?" He asked, laughing lightly, "We can do that as much as you want if it sways your answer to a yes."
"I mean my answer didn't need swaying but I'll take the offer." I giggled, "I would love to be your girlfriend Alex."

At that moment I glanced outside to see the sun slowly setting and I got an idea.
"Come on, I have to photograph this moment and show the world how lucky I am!" I pulled away from him, still smiling.
"Reallyyyyy?" He sighed but followed my instructions, getting out of the car and leaning against it lazily.
"You literally look like a damn model and you aren't even trying, what the fuck." I smiled, pulling out my phone to snap a picture of him, "Stay still."
"I think you are defiantly the 'model' of this relationship." He laughed, setting off the butterflies in my stomach once again.
"Smileeee." I giggled.
"Not happening." He replied and looked out into the distance at the sunset.
I snapped a few pictures even without him smiling and he looked perfect.
"These are good, we can go now." I looked down at my phone, appreciating the pictures.
After a few seconds without response, I heard the snap of a picture being taken.
"Hey no fair!" I pouted.
"I let you take pictures of me." He laughed, "It's only fair.
I smirked and shook my head as we both got back into his car, driving away.

I smirked and shook my head as we both got back into his car, driving away

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Liked by alex.standall, cheerstojess and 537 others

Y/I/N I'm the luckiest girl in the world!👫❤
Tagged: alex.standall

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alex.standall I'm defiantly the lucky one here❤
Y/I/N 😊❤ alex.standall 
cheerstojess I KNEW IT!😆You guys are too cute❤
heyy_sheri  Awhh adorable❤
itshannahbaker My ship has finally sailed!😊
Y/I/N You guys are all so sweet, sml❤ cheerstojess heyy_sheri itshannahbaker
brycemoney23 I'm here for when you get bored of him😏
alex.standall Back the fuck off🙄 brycemoney23

standall Back the fuck off🙄 brycemoney23

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Liked by Y/I/N, dempzee and 482 others

alex.standall Never been happier!😊❤
Tagged: Y/I/N

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Y/I/N I can't believe you took this of me😂❤
alex.standall You look gorgeous and you didn't even know I was taking it😍❤ Y/I/N
dempzee You finally did it?!😁
alex.standall Yeah😂 dempzee
itshannahbaker She's actually beautiful😍❤
cheerstojess I told you!! itsfoley18
itsfoley18 Damn finally😂 cheerstojess
alex.standal I know😊 itshannahbaker

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