Jeff Atkins [4]

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Your POV 

It was Valentine's day at Liberty high and what did that mean? Dollar Valentine. I had never really been into the whole dollar Valentine thing but this year I had an urge to do it. There was one certain name I was hoping to see on the top of my list and it was no other than Jeff Atkins, my best friend.

My crush on Jeff could be no more cliche even if it tried. Girl whose known the guy since she was a toddler develops a huge crush on him. I hated that I liked him because I knew he would never feel the same way but I couldn't help it. I suppressed my feeling towards him every day.

"I'm surprised to see you here." Sheri said as she printed out my dollar Valentine sheet.
"Thought I would give it a go this year, can't do any harm." I shrugged and smiled.
My sheet printed and I could see Sheri scanning her eyes over it before she smirked.
"I have been here all day and, I'm not going to name names but, I printed off a certain guys list who is on your dollar Valentine." She grinned, "And you are top on his."
With that Sheri handed me the sheet and I laughed, moving out of the queen and into an empty corner to examine my list. I read from bottom-up, skimming my eyes over each name.

5. Alex Standall
4. Montgomery de la Cruz
3. Justin Foley
2. Zach Dempsey
1. Jeff Atkins

My eyes focused on the name at the number one spot as a slight grin formed on my lips. A happy feeling bubbled up inside me as I read his name over and over. At the end of the day, I knew that this meant absolutely nothing in reality but it still made me happy. My thoughts wandered to what Sheri had said to me earlier. One of the five guys had my name on their list that she knew of. Of course I hoped for it to be Jeff but I knew I was never that lucky.

"Heyyy!" A familiar voice shook me out of my deep thoughts and I looked up meeting eyes with him.
"Oh hey Jeff." I smiled.
"So who did you get? Anyone good?" He asked.
"My list isn't actually that bad honestly. I mean I don't know if I would really work with many of these guys on this list but they are all good looking. I got my crush at number one though so." I shrugged my shoulders and laughed lightly, "How about you? Anyone you like on there?"
"Only one person I would ever really go for on my list honestly." He looked at his sheet, "My crush was number one too so I guess that's a sign or whatever."
My heart sunk as he said those words but I plaster a smile onto my face, "Oh that's pretty cool. Maybe you should go speak to her then. Maybe she got you as her number one."
"Hmm I don't know about that. Anyway, tell me your list." He grinned.

I paused a thought for a second.
"From bottom-up, Alex, Monty, Justin, Zach and then number one is a secret." I smirked.
"Damn well I'll tell you my number one if you tell me yours." He suggested.
A wave of confidence hit me and I nodded, "Okay then at the same time."
"Okay. 3, 2, 1." Jeff said and there was a slight pause before we both said it at the same time.
"You." We both said in unison and I looked up shocked.
"What really?" I began to blush.
He turned the sheet around and there it was. Y/N at the number one spot. I turned my sheet around to prove to Jeff that he was number one on mine.
"So does that mean I'm your crush?" Jeff wiggled his eyebrows in a joking manner and grinned.
"Hmm I guess it does." I laughed, "So you like me too?"
Jeff simply nodded, "I have liked you for over a year."
"We are both idiots. We have both liked each other for over a year and we were just to dumb to notice." I shook my head at our stupidity.

"Well on that note, would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked and butterflies erupted in my stomach.
"I would love to." I looked into his eyes as he stared back into mine for a few seconds.
"I'll pick you up at 7 and we can have a movie night at mine? I know you always used to say you would prefer a chill first date right?" He suggested.
"That sounds amazing." I nodded in agreement.

"Well all I can say is that I'm very lucky that you decided to do dollar Valentine this year." He pointed out.
"Otherwise we would both still be stupidly oblivious to us liking each other." I said and we both laughed.

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