Montgomery de la Cruz [5]

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Slightly smutty kind of. This one is also pretty long because I love writing about Monty so enjoy.

Your POV

I stood, red cup filled with a concoction of different drinks, in the corner of the room. I was at one of Bryce's parties again and honestly, I was not enjoying myself. The only reason I had come was to see and hopefully speak to my long-time crush, Montgomery. We were sort of friends as we hung out in the same group of people but we were never as close as I wished we were. It was clear that I liked him. I mean I'm pretty sure everyone else could see it, just sadly not him. He was stood at the other end of the packed room with a few of his friends, not even noticing me.

I was taken away from my thought when I felt someone tap my shoulder.  I turned around and met eyes with Zach Dempsey. Me and Zach were good friends and I was pretty sure he knew about my slight...okay huge crush on Monty.
"Oh hey, Zach." I smiled and gave him a quick, friendly hug.
"Hey Y/N, so why are you here just stood in the corner." He laughed lightly, sipping his mix of drinks.
"Honestly I don't even know why I'm here." I drank the last bit of my drink.
"Hmm I can guess why." He smirked and I raised my eyebrow, "You want Monty's attention."
"Shh keep your voice down." I hissed and he rolled his eyes jokingly.
"Look if you want this attention I have a plan." He suggested and I nodded for him to tell me.
"I'm pretty sure he likes you and there's only one way to truly find out, make him jealous." He shrugged his shoulders.
"And how do you suggest doing that?" I smirked.
"Well, let's just stay close together and act a bit too friendly around him." He suggested, "Not like making out and shit but you know just flirting."
"Hmm sounds like a good idea." I laughed.
"Well on that note, let me fill up your drink." He took my cup and grabbed my hand, leading me through the crowds of people.

He knew what he was doing because the drinks were right next to Monty and his group. I followed behind Zach and we brushed past Monty. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head as Zach filled up my cup, me sticking next to him the whole time. I quickly turned around, making eye contact with Monty for a split second before he broke it and looked back to his group. I noticed his jaw was clenched as Zach handed me the cup of drink.
"Why thank you." I giggled.
"Are you cold?" Zach smirked and I understood what he was trying to do.
"Yeah, a little." I lied, sipping the liquor in my cup.
"Here put this on." Zach took off his letterman jacket and wrapped it around my bare shoulders.
"Awh thank you," I smiled, "You are such a gentleman."

After those words came out of my mouth I looked over to Monty. He looked angry. Without warning, he downed his cup of drink and crumpled up the plastic cup.
"I'm going to head outside." He half whispered before turning on his heel and storming out of the room. 

"Go, go and get your man." Zach elbowed me.
"Uh okay." I said as confidence built up inside me.
I handed Zach his jacket back and quickly made my way towards the front door, where Monty had stormed off. I opened the door and spotted him walking down the driveway, towards his jeep. I quietly shut the front door behind me and shivered slightly as the cold evening winds hit my bare skin.  There was no one else except us two in the front driveway so I took a chance.
"Hey, wait a minute!" I shouted, causing Monty to turn around at the end of the driveway.
"What? Shouldn't you be flirting with Zach or something." He frowned and I smirked slightly.
"Wait, are you jealous?" I grinned, stepping closer to him so we didn't have to shout.
"No, why would I be?" He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Hmm, whatever you say." I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Oh and just to clarify I don't like Zach Dempsey, we wanted to see if I could make my crush jealous."
"Ah Well I really hope your plan works out for you?" Monty looked slightly sad as he turned to walk towards his car.
"I think it already has." I grabbed him by his jacket, causing him to turn around and face me.

Our faces were just inches away from each other when he turned around to face me and our eyes met. I could feel his eyes searching mine for the answers to his unasked questions in his head. My eyes drifted from his to his lips and back to his eyes, trying to answer his questions. Monty began to lean in and butterflies erupted in my stomach. Almost as if in slow motion, he stopped just before connecting our lips and I nodded, letting him know that it was okay. He closed the gap and almost automatically I kissed back. Our lips moved in sync and my arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss between us. His tongue slid across my lower lip, asking for entrance and I parted my lips slightly. Our tongues fought for dominance as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer so our bodies were touching. His hands made their way under my t-shirt and he ran his hands up and down my sides. After a few more seconds we both pulled away, gasping for air. We lent our foreheads together and stayed wrapped in each other's arms.

After taking time to regain our breath, we both pulled apart.
"So you were jealous after all?" I smirked and he shook his head.
"Most definitely not." He laughed.
"I mean aye if you are like this every time you are jealous then I'll be sure to make you jealous more often." I said.
"Or..." He paused for a second before speaking, "You could be my girlfriend and we could do that whenever you want?"
"Hmm that is a tempting offer." I pretended to think for a second, "I'll have to accept it."
"Well if your my girlfriend now," Monty smirked and grabbed my hand, "Come on."
He led me to his car, fingers intertwined.

All I'm going to say is that night was an unforgettable night.

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