Alex Standall [5]

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Your POV

I walked down the halls of Liberty, bag slung over my shoulder, heading to the cafeteria to meet up with my friends. It was a Monday, which meant I hadn't seen my friends since Bryce's party on Saturday night. Normally parties were nothing special for me but this time round I did more than just sit in the corner. By 'more' I mean I partook in seven minutes in heaven and of course I got paired up with no other than my boy best friend Alex Standall. I had had quite a bit to drink and I guess you can just imagine what we did. We hadn't spoken since that night and I knew that he would be sat at the lunch table with Clay and Hannah the moment I walked in. I didn't know whether he even remembered what he did but I couldn't help to think of the possibilities that could happen.

You see, before this, I had never seen Alex in any other way than just friends, but there was clearly something about him. I wasn't the type of girl who had sex with anyone and everyone, even when I'm drunk so I must've felt something towards him that I hadn't really noticed before. The problem was that since then I couldn't stop thinking about him. My almost nonexistent feelings towards him had now spiralled into a huge crush. All-day before lunch I was unable to concentrate in lessons due to these feelings and thoughts. What was I meant to do? Should I say something?

My thoughts were cut short as I entered the cafeteria and made my way over to the table. I felt awkward as I knew that anyone who was at that party and wasn't drunk enough to forget would obviously remember the events. I smiled as I sat with the group, opposite Alex. He half smiled at me before focusing his eyes onto his phone.

He clearly didn't remember...

I shared a conversation with Clay and Hannah about the date they were planning to go on tonight. They had been going out for nearly a year now and they were possibly the cutest couple in our whole school.

Alex looked up from his phone and at that moment I heard mine buzz. I pulled it out of my pocket and read the message.

Alex-Meet me in the car park in 5? x

I replied with a yes and he told us all that he was heading off early to go find Zach.
"He wasn't very chatty today." Clay shrugged his shoulders and both Hannah and I laughed lightly before he engaged her in convocation once again. 
After a few moments I grabbed my bag, "I'm going to head off to class, I need to hand in some homework on my way."
Clay and Hannah didn't question my excuses as I got up and made my way out towards the carpark.

*Time Skip*

I pushed the double doors open and walked over to Alex's car, spotting him sat inside. I opened the passenger's side door and got in beside him. 
"Hey, what's up?" I acted as if I didn't already have an assumption of what he was going to speak about.
"Nothing, just..." He trailed off, thinking for a second, "Do you remember anything from Bryce's party on Saturday?"
"Uhh yeah most of it I think, I wasn't that drunk. Just a bit tipsy I guess." I laughed lightly, trying to lighten the slightly awkward situation.
"So you remember..." I cut him off.
"I remember what? Us having sex." I shrugged my shoulders, "I guess so."
"Ah well, I'm sorry." He frowned.
"Why?" I raised my brow.
"I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders, "For you having to have sex with me." 
"Firstly, I chose to and secondly, do you really think you are so bad that you have to apologise." I laughed, causing him to laugh too, "I think I should be the one to apologise."
"Why would you need to apologise? You were great...I mean...It was good." He blushed a deep shade of red and I tried to not burst out into fits of laughter.
"A-Alex it's not that awkward don't worry about it." I laughed, "You were great too."
I patted his shoulder in a joking manner and he rolled his eyes and laughed.
"This wasn't even meant to be the awkward part of why I wanted to talk to you." He shook his head.
"Ooo well what else have you got to say then?" I smirked.
"Well basically I was going to ask you on a date? Look I understand if you want to say no and you hate me but I just..." I cut him off mid-sentence.
"Yes Alex, I would love too." I smiled and he looked slightly shocked.
"Wait really? So, I'll pick you up at like six tonight, we gan go watch a movie?" He suggested.
"That sounds perfect." I smiled as the bell rang.
Without a single word, I pecked Alex on the cheek and got out of his car, heading back in to get to class. I looked back for a second and saw Alex still sat in his car flustered. A smile spread across my cheeks as I almost skipped to class.

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