Tony Padilla [3]

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Your POV

Tonight was the first party that I had been to since Justin and I had broken up. To everyone else, Justin and I's break up came as a shock and not long after he got with my best friend, well ex-best friend, Jessica Davis. It had been a few weeks and of course I was hurt but I was learning to deal with the whole situation. 

That being said, after several rounds of vodka shots with Monty, Bryce, Zach and a couple other people, I was not in my right state of mind. All of my feelings and emotions were emphasised. I wasn't sad, I felt anger and disgust as I watched the pair flirt together. I had just texted Tony, asking him to come pick me up and he had replied saying he would be about ten minutes. 

As I was stood waiting for Tony, a cup full of a mix of liquors in my hand, an all too familiar song came on and in my current state, I had to say something. I had to tell everyone the true reason for our break up.
"Ooo Bryce turn this one up!" I giggled, looking directly at Jessica and Justin.
Bryce obliged as he, and everyone else around us, could sense that something was about to happen. I cleared the table in front of me and stood on it, facing the pair.
"This one goes out to my cheating ex-boyfriend and my so-called best friend." I swayed along to the song as I sipped the liquor in my cup.
Gasps and whispering could be heard in the room. No one knew about why we broke up and I had nothing left too loose at this point so I was ready to fuck up Justin's night as much as I possibly could.

I began to sing along to the lyrics of the song;

I wanna start this out and say
I gotta get it off my chest 
Got no anger, got no malice
Just a little bit of regret
Know nobody else will tell you
So there's some things I gotta say
Gonna jot it down and then get it out
And then I'll be on my way

No, you're not half the man you think that you are
And you cant fill the hole inside of you with money, drugs and cars
I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you
Cause you can't love nothing unless there's something in it for you

Oh, I feel so sorry, I feel so sad
I tried to help you, it just made you mad
And I had no warning about who you are
I'm just glad I made it out without breaking down
And then ran so fucking far
That you would never ever touch me again
Won't see your alligator tears
'Cause, no, I've had enough of them

I let a single tear run down my cheek as I sang the lyrics. Everyone in the room stood silently and Justin's face was bright red.

Let me start this off by saying
I really meant well from the start
Take a broken man right in my hands
And then put back all his parts

But you're not half the man you think that you are
And you can't fill the hole inside of you
With money, girls, and cars
I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you
'Cause you can't love nothing
Unless there's something in it for you

Oh, I feel so sorry 
I feel so sad 
I tried to help you
It just made you mad
And I had no warning 
About who you are 
I'm just glad I made it out without breaking down

Oh, I feel so sorry 
I feel so sad 
I tried to help you 
It just made you mad
And I had no warning 
About who you are
'Bout who you are

Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

'Cause you're not half the man you think that you are
And you can't fill the hole inside of you
With money, drugs, and cars
I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you
'Cause you can't love nothing
Unless there's something in it for you

I gulped down some of my drink to get rid of the growing lump in my throat as I sung.

I feel so sad
You should be sad
You should be
You should be sad
You should be
You should be
You should be

I almost whispered the last few lines and let a few more tears fall from my eyes. The moment I stopped singing, the room filled with claps and cheers. Justin just stood still with a shock look sapped onto his face.
"Someone pass me a bottle." I pled and someone passed me a half-drunk bottle of vodka, "Cheers."
I unscrewed the lid and gulped down a few mouthfuls of the bitter liquid, turning back to Justin and Jessica.
"Fuck you Justin Foley, you truely disgust me...A year, a whole FUCKING YEAR I wasted on a low life like you and go and cheat with that whore!" I  violently pointed towards Jessica, "And you.."
I got off the table and stumbled towards Jessica.
"You're just as bad as him, if not worse..." I spat, "You've been my best friend for fucking eight years and you throw it all away for a drug-addicted, fucking asshole like him."

At that moment I felt someones strong arms wrap around me and I screamed as they pulled me away.
"GET OFF OF ME!" I growled.
"No, we should go." Tony whispered in my ear, trying to calm me.
"Fine!" I gave in, "But you know what, you both deserve each other, you're more similar than I originally thought."
"How's that" Justin shouted, finally deciding to speak up.
"You both have no morals and well frankly clearly no standards either, I hope you are both happy together." I spat as Tony continued to drag me out of the room.
Gasps and laughs could be heard from everyone as I got pulled out of the house and into Tony's car.

"He cheated on you?" Tony asked as he got in the car.
"Yep." I slurred.
"Well I'm sure he learnt his lesson after being shown up like that and if he ever tries to speak to you again, I'll get my brothers on him." Tony shrugged his shoulders as he drove down the road, causing me to laugh lightly.

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