Jeff Atkins [7]

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I don't like this one really but I decided to post it anyway, enjoy!

Your POV

I stood in the corner of the field, by the benches, watching my boyfriend and Monty practice for baseball. Monty threw the ball and Jeff swung the bat, hitting the ball with an unstoppable force, propelling it across the pitch.
"Damn, good one!" I shouted.
Both boys turned to me, shocked by my presence.
"How long have you been here babe?" Jeff asked, making his way over to me and engulfing me in a tight embrace.
"Long enough." I smirked and Jeff laughed, as we both pulled away, "How long have you been practising for?"
"About an hour." Jeff replied.
"I can tell, you're pretty sweaty." I giggled, causing Monty to laugh along and Jeff frowned.
"Hey, I'm offended." He pouted, "And let's be honest Monty you're probably just as sweaty."
Monty shrugged his shoulders and to annoy me, Jeff engulfed me into another hug. 
"Get off of meeee!" I squealed, "You're lucky I love you." 
"Hmm I love you too." He grinned, letting me go.

"You guys are actually so disgusting." Monty jokingly rolled his eyes, laughing lightly.
"It's called love," Jeff smirked, patting Monty on the shoulder, "You should try it sometime."
I burst out into a fit of laughter at Jeff's comment and even Monty laughed a little, trying to hold a straight face. After a few moments, Jeff spoke once again.
"Anyway Monty, I'm going to head off if that's alright." Jeff said and Monty nodded in response.
"Go have fun guys." Monty laughed.
"Hmm I don't know what you think we're going to be doing." I rolled my eyes, jokingly, "I'm going straight to sleep the moment I get home."
"So what, in Jeff's car, really? I didn't think you guys were like that." Monty laughed, putting his bat away.
"Just cause you are jealous that he has a girlfriend and can have sex in his car whenever he wants." I smirked, grabbing Jeff's hand and beginning to head towards the carpark.
"REMEMBER TO USE PROTECTION!" Monty screamed as we walked off.
"FUCK OFF." Both Jeff and I said in unison as we walked away.

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