Montgomery de la Cruz [2]

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You are Jeff's younger sister in this and you were best friends with Hannah (This is based a few days after Hannah's suicide and obviously after Jeff's death).

Montgomery's POV

I sat in the changing room and dialed her number, for the 6th time in the last 20 minutes. It rang for a few moments, before going to voicemail.
"FOR FUCK SAKE!" I threw my phone across the room and put my head in my hands.
"Dude, what's up?" Zach picked up my phone and passed it to me.
"She's won't answer her phone!" I sighed, "I just need to see her, talk to her..."
"Monty...You have to remember, Jeff was...Well is her brother and Hannah was her best friend. She has lost two of the most important people in her life." Zach replied, "Have you been to her house?" 
"...No..." I admitted.
"Right! Come on, I will drive you" Zach said.
I slowly got up and walked with him.

*Time Skip*

"Call me if you need me." Zach smiled, pulling out of the drive and I walked to the Atkins front door.
I knocked and Y/N's mother opened the door, red-eyed.
"M-Montgomery...We weren't expecting you." She said, "Come in."
"Uhh thank you Mrs. Atkins." I smiled, "Is Y/N here?"
"She is in her room. Hasn't left since she got the news about Hannah...Poor girl." She sighed, "Y/N has lost so many important people recently..."
"I know..." I sighed.

I looked over at the few pictures of Jeff spread around the room.
"Did you know him?" She smiled, picking up one of the pictures.
"He was on the team, and you know...Dating his sister gave him some stuff to forcefully talk to me about." I sighed and she laughed lightly, "He was such a good guy though. Such a good guy on the team. I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Thank you..." She looked down, "Anyway, you can go see her."

I made my way up the stairs and walked down the hall to her door. I knocked and heard a groan from inside.
"Go away." She hissed.
I opened the door anyway and met eyes with her. She had huge bags under her eyes and her face was full of sadness. Her room was trashed with empty alcohol bottles and cans. She sat in Jeff's jacket, tear stains on her cheeks, looking into my eyes.
"...Monty?" She rubbed her eyes. 
"Y/N...Oh my god, Y/N!" I wrapped my arms around her and let her cry on my shoulder. 

Your POV

A loud knock at my bedroom door rung through my head and I groaned, "Go away!"
Whoever it was didn't listen, and my door swung open to reveal my boyfriend.
"...Monty?" I rubbed my eyes.
"Y/N...Oh my god, Y/N!" Monty wrapped his arms tightly around me and I cried on his shoulder. 
I let out everything. My tears created a patch of Monty's hoodie, but he didn't care.

After a few more moments, I pulled away and he sat beside me. 
"...Sorry..." I sighed.
"Don't say sorry Y/N...It's not your fault." He rubbed my back.
"I just..." I paused for a second, "What am I meant to do now, I've lose two of the most important people to me. Take me away from this Monty, I just want to get out of this house...Everywhere I look in here, all I can think about is him." I sobbed, "I miss Jeff so much, and now Hannah is gone too."
"Shh shh...Baby listen to me." He lifted up my chin and my eyes met with his, "You can come stay with me. Fuck what my parents say, I wanna be with you and look after you. I love you."
"Are y-you s-serious?" I  chocked out, in complete shock.
"Of course I am Y/N. I love you so bloody much, you don't even understand and I hate seeing you like this...I wish I could take all of your pain away, but I can't. " He sighed.
"I love you too, I love you so bloody much. Just you being here makes me feel  a slight bit better." I smiled.
"Well, I'll grab a bag and tell me what you are gonna need!" Monty said getting up and making his way towards my wardrobe, to get a bag.

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