Justin Foley [7]

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Imagine Justin came to apologise after you both got into a fight

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Imagine Justin came to apologise after you both got into a fight

Your POV

I fell onto my bed and engulfed myself into my blankets, trying to muffle my sobs. My boyfriend and I just got into a fight and every time this happened I wouldn't know what to do with myself. It all happened because Seth was having a go at Justin and I had a go at Seth. Justin dragged me out of his house and we got into an argument. He said that me having a go at Seth was the 'stupidest thing' I've ever done. I understood why Justin was angry at me because Seth was dangerous but in the moment, I was unable to see anyone elses point of view except my own. I stormed off and now I was here, wrapped in my duvets, crying myself to sleep in the pitch black of my room.

"Hey." I heard a voice say and I jumped up, almost screaming at their presence.
"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET IN HERE!?!" I tried to whisper but the words clearly came out louder than anticipated.
"Whoa..." Justin said, shocked by my reaction, "You left your window open."
"Oh right." I said bluntly, flopping back down onto my bed.

"Look, I'm sorry." He said, sitting on the corner of my bed.
After a few seconds I responded, "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been so stupid. I just hate seeing you cry and when someone treats you like shit I get angry."
"I shouldn't have got so angry but I just don't want him hurting you. I love you too much to see you get hurt." He sighed.
"I love you too." I sat up and connected our lips.

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