Charlie St George [4]

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Your POV

I was currently sat, cross-legged, on my bed with my notebook lent on my knees, writing out a maths equation. Charlie was sat just inches away from me, watching me as I worked out the maths equation that I didn't understand. Charlie was one of my best friends and he had offered to tutor me in maths as he knew I was struggling  Sighing heavily, I dropped my pen and looked up, meeting eyes with the boy sat in front of me.
"I just don't get it, I'm just stupid!!" I groaned, rubbing my temples in annoyance.
"Hey, no, don't say that about yourself. You're not stupid okay, look I'll show you." Charlie replied, shuffling closer to me and picking up my pen, leaning towards me to be able to reach my notebook.

My breath hitched in the back of my throat due to how close Charlie suddenly was to me. My heart rate sped up and I worried that due to how close he was to me, Charlie would feel it. Charlie and I had been best friends for over a year now but recently I had started feeling a different way towards him. It was stupid and I hated how I felt because I knew Charlie would only ever see me as a friend but I just couldn't help it. I suppressed these feelings and hid them quite well but at times like these, where we were alone together, I couldn't help how I felt.
"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Charlie asked, breaking me out of my deep thoughts.
"Oh, nothing, it's not important." I replied, blushing a deep shade of red as I did so.
"Well it didn't seem like nothing, come on, tell me whats distracting you!" He smiled.
That goddamn made me weak at the knees every damn time.

I paused for a second, looking into his eyes before a wave of confidence rushed through me.
"You, you're distracting me Charlie!" I smirked slightly.
"Me? What do you mean? What have I done?" He asked, clearly confused.
Without another word, I decided it would be easier to show him what I meant than explaining myself. I grabbed the boys face with both hands and leant in, placing my lips on his. After a few seconds, he pulled away and looked into my eyes, clearly shocked by what I had just done. I went to pull my hands away as embarrassment flooded through me but Charlie shuffled closer to me, resting his right hand on my cheek. Within the blink of an eye, his lips smashed onto mine once again and after a second, I began to kiss back. My hands made their way into his hair at the back of his neck and his dropped to around my hips, pulling me closer to him. Our lips moved in sync and after a few more moments, I felt how lost for breath I was. Clearly, Charlie felt the same way too as he pulled away and rested our foreheads together.
"That was unexpected...but incredible." He half laughed, regaining his breath, "You don't even understand how long I've wanted to do that."
"Wait...You like me too?" I gasped, still trying to regain my breath.
"I mean yeah, why wouldn't I? You're perfect!" He smiled, "I never thought you would like me back."
"Well, I do sooo..." I gigged slightly.
At that moment, Charlie pulled me back in and our lips collided once again, but this time with more passion.

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