Zach Dempsey [9]

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This one is pretty long.
Also Y/F/N means your full name.

Your POV

Today, my parents had asked me to babysit one of their friend's daughters, May. I would be staying at their house overnight and leaving in the morning when Mrs Dempsey arrived home. I loved looking after children and everything would be perfect, but there was one problem with who I was babysitting. May had an older brother, Zach, who I knew a little too well. We never told people, but over the summer last year we had got into a relationship. It was maybe four months or so and everything moved so fast with him. He was perfect and at the time, I really thought that I had found the one. As school started back up, we saw each other less as we hung out with different people and eventually he broke up with me. It broke my heart and honestly we hadn't spoke since over message or face to face. Obviously I wasn't able to turn down babysitting May as my parents would ask why and honestly I didn't want to have to explain the whole situation. Mrs Dempsey had told me that it would just be May and I as Zach would be staying at one of his friends so I had no reason to worry.

I had currently just pulled up to the Dempseys house in my car and I grabbed my overnight bag from beside me, jumping out of my car and locking it behind me. I made my way up the driveway and knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Mrs Dempsey answered and grinned as she noticed me.
"Y/N! You're just in time, come in." She opened the door more to let me in, "I need to get going, sorry to have to rush off."
"It's fine honestly, May and I will have a great time." I grinned as the little girl noticed me and ran towards me.
I had babysat her a few times before Zach and I's relationship and honestly she was such a sweet child.
"Y/NNN!" She exclaimed as I wrapped her in my arms, hugging her tightly.
"Mayyy!" I giggled as she pulled away.
"I left money so you guys can order pizza for dinner." Mrs Dempsey pointed towards the kitchen counter, "I should be back by about twelve tomorrow, I hope that's okay."
"Yeah that is fine, thank you." I smiled.
"My son, Zach, shouldn't be back until tomorrow so you shouldn't have to worry about seeing him. He's in your year at school I think, do you know him?" She asked and anxiety hit me as I heard his name.
"Uhh yeah I know him, we've never really spoke though," I lied, "We are in different friendship groups."
"Ah well, he's a lovely boy." She smiled and I nodded, "Anyway I'm going to go now, thank you again."
"No worries." I smiled, "Bye."
"Bye mum." May waved as Mrs Dempsey left, shutting the front door behind her.

"So May, what should we do?" I asked the girl who stood in front of me.
"Let's go watch some TV and can you do my hair, please?" May asked.
"Of course." I smiled, "Come on then."

*Time Skip*

May and I were currently sat with a box of half-eaten pizza in front of us, watching cartoons on the TV. We were both wrapped up in a throw that I had found and by this point, she was almost sat on me.

Out of nowhere, I heard keys rattling in the front door and I heard the clicking sound of it unlocking. My mind went crazy, wondering who it was. It would either be Mrs Dempsey, which was very unlikely, or Zach. I assumed that if it was Zach, he would have no clue that I was here. He wasn't meant to be back tonight so his mother probably never told him that I would be babysitting his sister. I mentally prayed to hear anyone's voice but his as the person opened the door, but of course I had no luck.

"Mayyy." I heard the all too familiar voice yell from the hallway and the girl that was sat peacefully beside me jumped up off my lap in an instant and pelted out of the room and down the hallway.
"Zachhhh!" She squealed from down the corridor and I quickly straightened my hair and grabbed my phone, checking to make sure I looked presentable.

I knew that I shouldn't but I cared about how I looked when Zach came in. I mean I was in love with him for a fair amount of time and to be honest I wasn't completely over him. I wouldn't say I had a crush on him but I mean...Just look at him. Every time I saw him, my heart fluttered.

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